Second URL Option Added to Order Form

Posted on : September, 17 2019 Author : Serpclix 2 min read

One of the features we've had a lot of requests for is the ability to specify a second, internal page that our clickers will visit on your website after their initial click on your organic Google listing.

You asked, and we heard you - this feature is now live!

Now you can submit 2nd URL with Serpclix order

Why Did We Make This Change?

Our service is focused on SEO.

Our clickers - who are all real humans with real IP addresses - search for your keyword on Google, find your organic listing, and then click on it. This generates an increase in the click-through-rate (CTR) of your organic listing, which Google can take as a positive ranking signal.

Previously, our clickers would search for your keyword on Google, click on your listing, visit your URL, wait approximately 60 seconds, and then close the browser tab. They would never click the Back button to go back to the Google search results as this could potentially be considered a negative ranking signal.

However, most analytics programs - including Google Analytics (GA) - would consider this visit to be a Bounce. 


Because Google Analytics defines a bounce as follows:

"A bounce is a single-page session on your site."


When clickers only visited one page on your site our service had the unwelcome impact of increasing your site's bounce rate in GA. 

Of course this didn't negate the potential SEO benefit of the service - the CTR benefit was still in effect and, after all, Google Search and Google Analytics are two separate entities - but it didn't look great in the analytics reports.

Well the good news is now you can specify a second page for our clickers to visit on your site after the initial click. 

Our clickers will still remain on the first page for approximately 60 seconds, and then they will visit the second page for an additional 60 seconds. This will then be a two-page session, and will no longer be considered a bounce by Google Analytics.

Please note: there are no guarantees in search engine optimization, ever. There are innumerable factors that can affect search engine rankings. And, realistically, most sites should focus their efforts on traditional SEO before even thinking about using non-traditional techniques like SerpClix. All SEO efforts can involve an element of risk. Some techniques are certainly more risky than others. SerpClix employs real human clickers, so we think our service is far less risky than trying to use automated or robotic click methods. But, like all SEO strategies, there is an element of risk because Google’s algorithm is unknown and subject to change at any time. For more information please see our Buyer FAQs.

Get Started Today

It's easy to get started using SerpClix. Our offering is entirely self-service, and simple to use. Click orders are easy to create, and include a simple calculator to help you determine how many clicks to order based on your keyword and current ranking.

Our memberships are always month-to-month: no long-term contracts required.