New SerpClix Feature: DuckDuckGo SEO Now Supported!
DuckDuckGo, the privacy-focused search engine, has surpassed Yahoo! to move into third place in the US with around 2.5% market share.
SerpClix is happy to announce that you can now target DuckDuckGo directly with our CTR click service!
Orders for DuckDuckGo work exactly the same as Google Search orders: our real human clickers will search for your keyword phrases, find your listing in DuckDuckGo, and click on your URL to visit your website. This boosts the CTR for your organic DuckDuckGo listings, providing a positive ranking signal.

Pro Tip: You can use the Copy button on an existing SerpClix order to pre-fill a new order with the same information, then just change the Search Engine selection to DuckDuckGo: